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合同翻译经典句型荟萃 保险部分

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If, after the signing of this Agreement, the Chinese government either at the State, provincial, municipal or local level adopts any new law, regulation, decree or rule, amends or repeals any provision of any law, regulation, decree or rule, or adopts any different interpretation or method of implementation of any law, regulation, decree or rule, which contravenes this Agreement or which materially and adversely affects a party’s economic benefit under this Agreement, then upon written notice thereof from the affected party to the other Party, the Parties shall promptly consult and decide whether 如果本协议签署之后,中国国家、省、市或地方政府通过任何新的法律、法规、法令或条例,修改或废除任何法律、法规、法令或条例的任何条款,或对任何法律、法规、法令或条例给予不同的解释或采取不同的实施办法,导致与本协议相冲突,或对一方在本协议项下的经济利益造成实质性的不利影响,受到影响的一方经书面通知另一方后,双方应立即协商并决定是否