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在法律英语中,不可以想当然地将bench译为“椅子”,通常翻译为“法官”、“法官席”、“裁判庭/法院”等。在本文中,还需要注意bench conference这一术语。

例1:By the early 13th century although purely local courts had not been abolished, the supremacy of the central courts that had evolved from the Curia Regis, namely, the Court of Exchequer, the Court of Common Pleas, and King’s Bench, was establish.

参考译文:到十三世纪初期,尽管完全意义上的地方法院还未被废除,但是从君主法庭演变来的中央法院 – 即财政法院、普通诉讼法院以及王座法院的至上地位已经得以确立。

解释:Court of Common Pleas 被译为“普通诉讼法院”,普通诉讼法院管辖土地案件以及民事纠纷。King’s Bench被译为王座法院,王座法院最初形成时,是一个刑事法院,又是对普通诉讼法院民事案件作出复审的法院。在1873-1875年司法改革前,英国的初审法院(trial court)就包括上述3个法院(财政法院、普通诉讼法院、王座法院)。

例2:Less serious offenses don’t require a jury, and even in serious cases (if state law allows), the defendant can waive his or her rights to a jury trial. Such proceedings are called bench trials where the judge serves as both trier of fact and law.



例3:If a witness on direct examination invents an answer that is likely to affect the outcome of the trial, opposing counsel may object and request a bench conference.


解释:与bench conference紧密相连的还有一个短语,就是approach the bench(双方律师都可以请求法官允许其“靠近法官席”,律师通常站在法官席旁,就争议问题低声会谈)。

与bench相关的术语还有:the bench and bar (法官和律师)、bench legislation (法官立法,也称judicial legislation, 或judge-made law, 及“法官造法”)

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