税法 Tax Law
The payroll tax, used to support the social security system, has grown substantially in recent years and is now the second biggest revenue raiser at about 30%. 用以资助社会保障制度的工资税近些年来大为增加,如今已经成了第二个大税源了 – 约占30%。
The payroll tax, used to support the social security system, has grown substantially in recent years and is now the second biggest revenue raiser at about 30%. 用以资助社会保障制度的工资税近些年来大为增加,如今已经成了第二个大税源了 – 约占30%。
税收是美国政府收入的最主要来源。 税务法院(Tax Court)是美国联邦政府中重要的税务司法机关。