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        attorney 在美语中常常指律师、代理人。如attorney at law 专指律师,attorney of record 是指记录在案的律师,attorney of the day 指值班律师。也许正由于这一原因,attorney 的另一个重要的意义“检察官”反而被忽视了。


       The defendant has the right to an attorney . If the defendant cannot afford an attorney, and if the court declares the defendant to be indigent, the court will appoint an attorney for that person.


        When a person appoints another to act on his behalf in litigation, he must submit to the people’s court a power of attorney bearing his signature or seal.


        上述例句中attorney正是律师之意,美国常用attorney来指律师。而在英国,律师常被称为barrister(出庭律师)或solicitor(事务律师)。而attorney不仅指律师,还可以指检察官(prosecutor),因为从某种意义上讲,检察官被视为为政府工作的律师,因而“Attorney General”指总检察长。

         美国总统克林顿因为与白宫实习生莫尼卡发生绯闻事件而受到法律起诉时,报纸上常常出现某某联邦律师出庭指控或传讯总统之类的报道。当时很多人都感到纳闷,美国律师怎么有权出庭指控或传讯一位被认为犯了法的现任总统呢? 这位律师又是受了谁的委托? 难道是美国法律特殊? 后来才弄明白,原来是新闻稿中把attorney 一词译错了。原来指控和传讯克林顿的不是什么律师,而是联邦检察官。


         right to an attorney 获得律师辩护权

         right to counsel 获得律师辩护权

         power of attorney 客户委托律师行使的代理权

         letter of attorney 代理授权书

         attorney letters 或 attorney opinion letter 或 letter 律师函

         attorney fees 律师费

         attorney ethics 律师职业道德