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为什么三位合伙人同时盯上了McKernon Motors的工厂出售交易?答案当然是这个客户够肥啦!当然大家的目的各自不同,Harvey是希望阻止这个交易,而其他合伙人是希望从这个交易中赚钱。OK,具体看看每个合伙人具体关注的是什么?


LOUIS: And why would that require you to look at the bylaws?

MIKE: State law requires a summary be prepared in the event of a sale.

LOUIS: Privately held corporations are exempted.

MIKE: Not if the sale exceeds 150 million.

LOUIS: According to who?

MIKE: The state’s website.

然后,Jessica知道McKernon Motors的工厂出售交易会给律所带来很多活,叮嘱Harvey要小心伺候。

JESSICA: I understand Stensland is throwing a large amount of legal work our way with the McKernon Motors factory sale. You taking care of him?


MIKE: Hmm. Page 238, clause 137 states if the CEO dies, an interim CEO will be appointed until the board convenes an election vote, which can’t be called till the next fiscal quarter, in this case next Thursday.


  • due diligence 尽职调查
  • Privately held corporations 私人公司;私有公司
  • put it there 对,来握个手。这是个口语,很多人没看懂,意思是:当你请求某人与你握手时你就会说“Put it there!”,因为你赞同他们的观点或想祝贺他们。
  • cashier’s check 本票
  • set one’s sights on 盯上;To identify, regard, or focus on someone or something as one’s goal.
  • election vote 选举表决



