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1961年工厂法 The Factories Act 1961

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A reasonable temperature must be maintained, and where a substantial part of the work is done sitting and does not require serious physical effort, a temperature of 60°must be maintained in working hours. 温度必须保持合理,在大部分劳动是坐着进行且不需要重体力的场合,劳动时间内的温度必须维持在60度。

Efficient ventilation and effective provisions for lighting, whether natural or artificial, must be made. 必须设有有效率的通风设备并提供有效果的照明 – 包括自然和人工照明。

Sanitary conveniences must be provided, maintained and kept clean. 必须安装和维修卫生设备并使之保持清洁。