Opposing counsel: So, when you said earlier that you had never been arrested for a crime, you were, uh, speaking the truth?
Joanna: – Yes.
Opposing counsel: So, in 1993, then, you were not arrested for stealing $1,000 worth of jewelry from the Willow Grove Mall in Pennsylvania.
Joanna: I was 17! That was one mistake. Those records were supposed to be sealed.
Opposing counsel: So when you say those records were sealed, what you mean to say is you thought you could get away with a lie.
- Deposition 常常被翻译为庭外作证或者庭外质询,是美国民事诉讼中一种在正式开庭前进行证据开示的方式。
- worth of 价值**的** arrested for stealing $1,000 worth of jewelry.
- a truthful person诚实的人
- under oath 宣誓
- keep this case alive 把案子打下去
- to grill someone about something. 拷问 To question or interrogate someone intensely and relentlessly (about something).)
- Contracts That Must Be in Writing 必须以书面订立的合同
- 刑事诉讼翻译制度有待细化
- 欧美名人的22条法律至理名言
- 环境法 Environmental Law
- 商业上的法律 Law in Business
- 保险合同 The Contract of Insurance
- 保险人不受监督之自由 Insurers’ Freedom From Supervision
- 企业的保险 Insurance for Your Business
- 太保诉华绍号轮案 Tai Ping Insurance Co. Vs. M/V Warshau
- 保险立法及其所覆盖的险种 Insurance Legislation and Types of Risks Covered
- 支票 checks
- 背书和正当持票人 Indorsement and Holder in Due Course
- 伪造支票 Check Forgery
- 信托 Trust
- 自由市场经济与计划 Free Market Economy and Planning
- 商法与税收概说 Introduction to Business Law and Taxes
- 宪法与商业 The Constitution and Business
- 营业资格 Qualification
- 商法 Commercial Law
- 担保交易 Secured Transactions