

例如,我国对专利法中“创造性”这一术语的英文通译为inventive和creativity。从英文和中文的用词看,表达倒是对等的,但是不符合英文法律用词习惯,而且在概念上容易引起误解。我国的法律体系受大陆法系的影响很大,故有学者也主张我国专利法的英文译本用inventive step来表示“创造性”。再如,权利能力和行为能力是法律术语中两个常见语词。一般认为,德语中的Rechtsfaehigkeit(权利能力)、Geschtaeftsfaehigkeit(行为能力)与英语中competency、legal ability or capacity相对应。再如,“诚信”、“恶意”,我们应该使用good faith和bad faith,而不应该按照字面含义翻译为“honesty and credit”等。因此,在进行法律翻译时应该选择正确的术语。再看下例:为了保护文学、艺术和科学作品作者的著作权,以及与著作有关的权益,鼓励有益于社会主义精神文明、物质文明建设的作品的创作和传播,促进社会主义文化和科学事业的发展和繁荣,根据宪法制定本法。

This law is enacted in accordance with the constitution for the purpose of protecting the copyright of authors in their literary, artistic and scientific works and rights and interests related to copyright of encouraging the creation and dissemination of works which would contribute to the building of an advance socialist culture and ideology and to socialist material development, and of promoting the development and flouring of socialist culture and science.

“与著作权有关的权益”在学说中通常称为“邻接权”、“有关权”等,在国际上是对表演艺术家、录音制品的制作人和广播电视组织所享有的权利的称谓。其对应的英文为neighboring rights,因此,按照字面含义翻译为rights and interests related to copyright似有不妥。同时,“著作权”和“版权”在我国法律中是规定为等义的,但英语中的copyright传统上是译为“版权”的;而大陆法中的“作者权”必须译成“author s right”,因此笔者认为the copyright of authors(作者的著作权)可以译为the author s right。

2 thoughts on “法律翻译者在选词时不应按部就班的理由”

  1. 此句:This law is enacted in accordance with the constitution for the purpose of protecting the copyright of authors in their literary, artistic and scientific works and rights and interests related to copyright of encouraging the creation and dissemination of works which would contribute to the building of an advance socialist culture and ideology and to socialist material development, and of promoting the development and flouring of socialist culture and science.中的:”,and of promoting the development and flouring of socialist culture and science“是否应该改为:,and the promoting of development and flouring of socialist culture and science.

    1. of promoting the development ……中的promoting前面不需要加“the”,因为与之并列的是 for the purpose of protecting the copyright ……,这里的promoting和protecting均是动词。

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