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As the Translation Director at LegalLingo, Frank is responsible for coordinating and managing the translation team, including project scheduling and communication with clients. He has a track record of successfully completing numerous complex and highly technical legal translation projects and has provided Chinese legal translation services to many leading international law firms and legal teams throughout his career.


用翻译工具翻‘流氓软件’一词,弹出的结果是’rascal software’. 很多人以为Rascal是指流氓,software是指软件,所以组合在在一起翻译就是‘流氓软件’的意思。其实这样的翻译并不地道。


美国的公司法属于商务企业法(the law of business enterprises)的组成部分,而且它主要是以州法律的形式出现。