


HARVEY: Evidently, there was a similar claim. They filed less than 24 hours ago, which means you filed a day later than you said you would.


HARVEY: I suggest you get on the phone, call the patent office, and find out who beat us to it. Then you’re going to have Donna find any judge who will listen so we can get an injunction and stop whoever it is from launching their product first.


  • claims 权利要求书(Claims),是申请文件最核心的部分,是申请人向国家申请保护他的发明创造及划定保护范围的文件,一旦批准,就具有法律效力。
  • patent office 专利局
  • injunction 禁令


  • beat us to it 比我们抢先一步
  • launching their product 产品投放市场;发布新产品;
  • a walk in the park 小菜一碟 (意思就是,这事情如同逛公园一样简单)





      1 thought on “专利被抢先申请?”

      1. Hey. What’s up?
        I just heard from Wyatt. He got a response from the patent office.
        It’s been denied.
        Evidently, there was a similar claim.
        Wait. What do you mean? Somebody beat us to it?
        No, someone beat you to it. They filed less than 24 hours ago, which means you filed a day later than you said you would.
        I tried to tell you that I didn’t know how to do that.
        And I told you to figure it out.
        And I did and it got filed.
        After you lied and said you’d already followed through.
        Okay. What’s going to happen now?
        I suggest you get on the phone, call the patent office, and find out who beat us to it. Then you’re going to have Donna find any judge who will listen so we can get an injunction and stop whoever it is from launching their product first.
        Okay. Got it.
        Now I’ve got to call Wyatt and calm him down. You think that’s going to be a walk in the park?

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