

另外,有个词组a chain of command model值得留意,是指从最高层到最底层的权力(authority)链,也就是上下级关系。短片中Rachel说:The firm operates on a chain of command model. 表明这家律所的运作模式是“领导说了算”模式。



  • I’ll be giving you your orientation. 我带你熟悉一下环境
  • The firm operates on a chain of command model. 从最高层到最底层的权力(authority)链,表明谁向谁报告。
  • People are in awe of him 敬畏


  • Take notes. I’m not going to repeat myself.
  • All work gets billed, even if it’s finding an address.


Rachel: So, on our left, Mergers and Acquisitions. On the opposite side, high net worth Divorce.
Mike: Nice. Mergers across from Divorce. Symmetry.






    4 thoughts on “Orientation”

    1. Uh, hi. Good morning. I’m here…
      Have a seat.
      Thank you.
      Mike Ross? Hi. I’m Rachel Zane. I’ll be giving you your orientation.
      Wow, you’re pretty.
      Good. You’ve hit on me. We can get it out of the way that I am not interested.
      No. I’m sorry. I wasn’t hitting on you.
      Trust me. I’ve given dozens of these, and, without fail, whatever new hotshot it is thinks that because I’m just a paralegal that I will somehow be blown away by his dazzling degree. Let me assure you. I won’t.
      – I was. – Mmm-hmm. I was hitting on you.
      You were. Take notes. I’m not going to repeat myself.
      I love you.
      Each bank of offices specializes in its own arena of the law, and is anchored by a department head on either end. So, on our left, Mergers and Acquisitions. On the opposite side, high net worth Divorce.
      Nice. Mergers across from Divorce. Symmetry. Uh, yeah. I should just listen.
      The firm operates on a chain of command model. Harvey’s your commanding officer. However, Louis Litt, he oversees all associates, so you’ll also answer to him.
      What do you think about Harvey?
      People are in awe of him. They say he’s the best closer there is. But I have very little contact with him, so I don’t know.
      What about Louis Litt?
      Let’s continue with your tour.
      Now. And finally, this is where you’ll live. Wow. I gave you that for a reason. You haven’t taken one note.
      – That’s because…
      – Because you were too busy ogling me to listen to a word I’ve said?
      Partner’s offices anchor the wings. Fifth floor is research. Sixth is security. All work gets billed, even if it’s finding an address. I answer to Harvey and Louis Litt, and judging by the way you responded to my questions, I should admire Harvey and I should fear Louis. You have been here for five years and just because I outrank you does not mean I have the authority to command your services. Oh. It’s also pretty clear that you think you’re too smart to be a paralegal.
      You know what nobody likes? Nobody likes a show-off.
      You used the word “ogling.” I mean… When do I get to see Harvey?

    2. 你好,我是一名小律师,现在在长春市的一个律所工作,我想学学法律英语。我给您这边发邮件的主要内容是:我想问一下我怎么样才能与您这边联系上,我想购买您这边的课程,我不是很方便跟课的方式学习,我想购买视听资料。

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