
奶奶希望Mike不再颓废,鼓励他要充分发挥潜能(living up to his potential),但昂贵的医疗费还是使Mike决定铤而走险去贩毒…


MIKE: I hear someone’s not taking their pills.
GRAMMY: Because they’re trying to poison me.
MIKE: Grammy, that’s crazy. Dr. Shrager gave me her word she wouldn’t poison you until January. If she does it before then, she can’t count it towards next year’s quota.

最后一句,before then,是指before前面提及的January。count it towards=》将其计入。整句话:Shrager医生跟我保证,一月份前不会给你下毒的,不然她就完不成明年的指标了。

另外,注意一个基本但经常被我们忽视的语法:someone‘s not taking their pills,这里someone搭配的是their,而不是his/her。从语法角度,在不知道someone具体性别的时候,会用they/their来指代前面提及的someone。


living up to your potential


count it towards


full care


Take it or leave it






    1 thought on “充分发挥潜能”

    1. I hear someone’s not taking their pills.
      Because they’re trying to poison me.
      Grammy, that’s crazy. Dr. Shrager gave me her word she wouldn’t poison you until January. If she does it before then, she can’t count it towards next year’s quota. Oh. What did I teach you?
      Michael, I’m not going to be around forever, and I want you to stop with that stuff.
      What stuff?
      I may be old, but I’m not an idiot. I know life has been hard for you, but you’re not a kid anymore. And I want you to promise you’re going to start living up to your potential.
      I promise.
      Your grandmother’s getting worse. I need to move her to full care, or I’ll have to transfer her to a state facility.
      I won’t put her in a state facility.
      Then I’m afraid you’ll have to come up with 25,000. (SIGHS)
      Then, I will.
      Trevor, I’m in. One-time deal. I want 25. Take it or leave it.
      I’ll take it. There’s a briefcase in my room. Pick it up tomorrow. Take it to room 2412, the Chilton Hotel on Park Avenue. Now, you can’t go to a luxury hotel looking like a delivery guy. So, shave, comb your hair, buy a suit.
      – That’s a hell of a lot to ask, man.
      – Well, I’m not asking you. I’m paying you $25,000.

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