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As the Translation Director at LegalLingo, Frank is responsible for coordinating and managing the translation team, including project scheduling and communication with clients. He has a track record of successfully completing numerous complex and highly technical legal translation projects and has provided Chinese legal translation services to many leading international law firms and legal teams throughout his career.

不正当竞争 Unfair Competition

The tort of unfair competition is also grounded in the common law of the various states, and may be enforced in the state courts. 不正当竞争的侵权行为法也在各州的共同法中有其基础,因此也可以通过州法院得到贯彻。

1961年工厂法 The Factories Act 1961

The Factories Act 1961 and the regulations made thereunder provide a detailed code governing the health, safety and welfare of workers in factories. 《1961年工厂法》和据此而制定的规章,作出了有关各厂工人健康、安全和福利的详细规定。


为了阻止McKernon Motors的海外设厂计划,Harvey利用Mike在公司章程中找到的漏洞先说服现CEO Robert把尽调拖延一阵… HARVEY: Robert, I’m sorry. This is what was holding up your due diligence. Technically, you’re still interim CEO until the board votes… Read More »拖延战术


视频中,Donna关于高级合伙人和其他合伙人之间有何区别的描述你听懂了吗? DONNA: Okay. Senior partners, they buy into the firm. They share in the profits, but they also have to put up equity. 高级合伙人属于核心层管理层,所以一般要出资,有出资即形成股权equity,亦即Equity Partner,可以分享利润。剧中,Harvey为了做Senior… Read More »高级合伙人入伙会议


在车展上,新CEO Robert向Harvey透露了他只打算保留品牌而卖掉工厂的计划,Harvey为何觉得他毁掉了摇钱树? 原来Robert觉得公司的核心资产是品牌名称,而Harvey则觉得是引擎的品质。 HARVEY: The asset’s not the name. It’s the quality. He moves overseas, it’s gonna kill the goose that laid the goddamn golden… Read More »毁掉摇钱树