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As the Translation Director at LegalLingo, Frank is responsible for coordinating and managing the translation team, including project scheduling and communication with clients. He has a track record of successfully completing numerous complex and highly technical legal translation projects and has provided Chinese legal translation services to many leading international law firms and legal teams throughout his career.


这段电话谈判中,你看明白了Harvey是如何一步步逼着对方提高和解出价的吗? 首先,对方最初出价一千万,Harvey只够开发样机的一半成本。 然后,Harvey说上诉后禁令还是会下来,对方提高到一千五百万。 最后,Harvey说不谈了挂电话,对方提到至两千万。 逻辑问题:HARVEY: And you and I both know the injunction will get overturned on appeal. 从字面上看逻辑不通,injunction是Harvey申请的,所以如果上诉把injunction推翻了,那岂不是矛盾。所以,这里的本意是推翻初审法官拒发禁令的裁决。 词汇句型: cut to the chase 直奔主题… Read More »Harvey逼对方提价


Mike陪客户吸完大麻后,晕晕乎乎跑回律所,然后找Harvey交差(关于向专利局提交抵触声明),Harvey是从哪些细节发现Mike嗑了药,然后让他滚出办公室的? 首先,Mike在Harvey打电话时闯入了他的办公室;其次,Harvey发现Mike的脸很红;最后,Harvey掐指一算,Mike上午根本没有时间提交这个声明,因为Mike说他一直在和Louis打球。 HARVEY: Hey. If you guys were playing tennis all morning, how did you have time to file this? 句型词汇: black and white 白纸黑字… Read More »Harvey让Mike滚


Mike为什么要陪客户吸大麻?因为Louis想拿下这个客户,让Mike用大麻取悦客户。那为何Mike会答应这么做呢? 呵呵,当然是被抓住了把柄啦,这个把柄就是Mike的药检结果。 MIKE: No. No. I don’t smoke. LOUIS: … the drug test that you took would indicate otherwise… Matter of fact, in this instance,… Read More »Mike陪吸大麻


法官之前已明确拒绝了禁止令申请,Harvey再次来到法官办公室要求法官签禁止令的理由是什么呢? 原来Harvey觉得自己申请禁止令的事实足够充分,如果就此提起诉讼,其他法官看到这些事实后会推翻现有法官的裁决。 JUDGE: My earlier ruling wasn’t clear enough for you? HARVEY: Crystal. But I didn’t want you to suffer for it. You see, if… Read More »要求法官签禁止令