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As the Translation Director at LegalLingo, Frank is responsible for coordinating and managing the translation team, including project scheduling and communication with clients. He has a track record of successfully completing numerous complex and highly technical legal translation projects and has provided Chinese legal translation services to many leading international law firms and legal teams throughout his career.


法官之前已明确拒绝了禁止令申请,Harvey再次来到法官办公室要求法官签禁止令的理由是什么呢? 原来Harvey觉得自己申请禁止令的事实足够充分,如果就此提起诉讼,其他法官看到这些事实后会推翻现有法官的裁决。 JUDGE: My earlier ruling wasn’t clear enough for you? HARVEY: Crystal. But I didn’t want you to suffer for it. You see, if… Read More »要求法官签禁止令


律师谈客户技巧各有不同,尽管都是在网球场,Harvey做足功课轻松拿下客户,而Louis的搭讪方法却让客户感到反感。 问:Louis为什么看中了Tom这个客户?这个细节你抓住了吗? 因为:1. Tom每年能赚2个亿,是个大客户;2. 他现在的法律总顾问不专业。 LOUIS: I mean, the guy generates 200 million per annum, right? And he still uses his fraternity brother as a… Read More »Louis搭讪Tom


法官妻子Lauren为什么不愿意把和Harvey的真实关系告诉法官? 因为法官Donald发现他们之间所谓的affair后改变了,又重新开始关注Lauren了。 LAUREN: Our whole marriage, Donald’s only ever cared about one thing. His sterling reputation. Never overturned. I was… When he found out you… Read More »法官妻子拒吐真相


Harvey只是向法院申请禁止令,以阻止竞争对手发布产品,而法官却丝毫不理会申请理由是否充足,直接拒绝申请,法官为什么要这么粗暴对待Harvey,你看懂了吗? 原来法官公报私仇是因为Harvey和法官的老婆有一腿… HARVEY: Whatever it is that you seem to have against me for no apparent reason. I have a solid argument for any reasonable… Read More »Harvey遭法官报复


Mike提交的专利申请为什么被拒,你看懂了吗? 原来有人抢先一步向专利局提交了专利申请。 HARVEY: Evidently, there was a similar claim. They filed less than 24 hours ago, which means you filed a day later than you… Read More »专利被抢先申请?