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As the Translation Director at LegalLingo, Frank is responsible for coordinating and managing the translation team, including project scheduling and communication with clients. He has a track record of successfully completing numerous complex and highly technical legal translation projects and has provided Chinese legal translation services to many leading international law firms and legal teams throughout his career.

信托 Trust

A trust is an agreement that arranges for a person, a bank or a trust company to manage or control your property for your beneficiaries (If you wish, you can name yourself as beneficiary). 信托是一种协议,据此,某一个个人、银行或信托公司替你的受益人(如果愿意,你不妨指定自己为受益人)管理或监督你的财产。

伪造支票 Check Forgery

看到有人在一张支票上冒签了他人姓名就接着攫取了那张被伪造的支票并拿到银行去兑现的人,已经使用了伪造的文书 – 这也是一种犯罪。The man who sees someone else forge your name to a check, and then snatches the forged check, takes it to a bank and cashes it has uttered a forged document, which is also a criminal offense.

支票 checks

Check certification is an action of a bank in which, at the request of either the depositor or the holder, the bank acknowledges and guarantees that sufficient funds will be withheld from the drawer’s account to pay the amount stated on the check. 对支票进行保付,乃是银行的一种行为 – 银行应其存户或持票人之请求,承认并保证会从出票人的账上扣下足以支付支票票面金额的款项。

保险立法及其所覆盖的险种 Insurance Legislation and Types of Risks Covered

Then followed a spate of legislation dealing with various aspects of insurance regulation, the high point being attained in 1973 with the passing of Ordinance No. 73/14 on 10 May 1973 which laid down regulations applicable to insurance concerns in Cameroon. 此后,处理保险管理之不同方面的大量立法接踵而至,而于1973年因通过同年5月10日第73/14号法而达到了顶点;该法规定了适用于喀麦隆保险业的一些规章。