- subpoena 传票
- motion 动议
- dismiss 撤销
- hearing 听证会
- assertion 主张
- argument 论点
- precedent 先例
- Devlin McGreggor is fighting the subpoena. 这里指对传票(文件传唤)提出异议
- They filed a motion to dismiss the case based on our lack of evidence. 提出动议要求撤销此案;证据不足
- There’s a hearing on my subpoena. 对我申请的传票有个听证会。
- under duress 受胁迫
- Your honor 法官阁下
- by the book 按章办事
- this case should be thrown out. 拒绝受理(案件)
- one piece of evidence 一项证据
- right to privacy 隐私权
- belittling 轻视的;小看的
- carry weight 有意义;有影响
- answer to 听命于
- stenographer 速记员
- false pretenses 虚假的借口;以莫须有的理由
- in chambers 法官办公室
- They don’t want to hand over the files. You pressed where it hurt. You’re looking in the right place. 他们不想交出文件,你戳到了他们的痛处,说明找对了位置
- you make a move, they make a move. You go back and forth until one of you wins. 你走一步,对方跟着走一步。你要不断迂回,直至获胜。
- I’m all over it. 我正在办;implying that something is under control or taken care of. 类似于I’m on it.
- Research is as much art as science 调研既是门科学,也是门艺术
- I’m not one to forget a favor. 我不是个忘恩的人
- Hi. Where are you at with the research for tomorrow’s hearing? 明天的听证会研究到哪一步了?
- I wouldn’t trust you as far as I could throw you. 仅凭对你的了解,我还不能相信你 – not trust (someone) as far as (one) can throw (them) To be very suspicious of someone; to not trust or believe someone.
HARVEY: Please. They don’t give a rat’s ass about his employees’ right to privacy. Sorry, that’s actually unfair to rats’ asses. 得了吧,他们对员工隐私权的关心程度还不及一颗老鼠屎。不好意思,这么说对老鼠屎很不公平。
- Contracts That Must Be in Writing 必须以书面订立的合同
- 刑事诉讼翻译制度有待细化
- 欧美名人的22条法律至理名言
- 环境法 Environmental Law
- 商业上的法律 Law in Business
- 保险合同 The Contract of Insurance
- 保险人不受监督之自由 Insurers’ Freedom From Supervision
- 企业的保险 Insurance for Your Business
- 太保诉华绍号轮案 Tai Ping Insurance Co. Vs. M/V Warshau
- 保险立法及其所覆盖的险种 Insurance Legislation and Types of Risks Covered
- 支票 checks
- 背书和正当持票人 Indorsement and Holder in Due Course
- 伪造支票 Check Forgery
- 信托 Trust
- 自由市场经济与计划 Free Market Economy and Planning
- 商法与税收概说 Introduction to Business Law and Taxes
- 宪法与商业 The Constitution and Business
- 营业资格 Qualification
- 商法 Commercial Law
- 担保交易 Secured Transactions