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Harvey凭什么拿下Skadden最大的客户John Dockery,你看明白了吗? Harvey找到了John偷情的证据,并提示John,如果他老婆看到这些证据可能会把他踢出局,所以提议用他没有表决权的优先股交换他妻子有表决权的普通股。 句型词汇: Jessica says you’re going to sweep me off my feet. 让我佩服得五体投地 blackmail 敲诈 corporate takeover 公司收购 voting shares 有表决权的股份 vote 表决… Read More »Harvey巧谈新客户

经济法上的制裁 Sanctions in the Economic Law

According to this statute the mandatory corporations may, in certain cases, be declared competent to impose disciplinary sanctions on non compliance with their regulations (fines and reprimands). 根据该法之规定,在某些情况下强制法人可以被宣告为有权对违反其规章的行为进行纪律制裁(罚款和训斥)。

荷兰经济法 Dutch Economic Law

In the Netherlands, as in other Western European countries, the relationships between the economy and the law have been embodied in a new branch of law: Economic Law. 在荷兰,同在其他西欧国家一样,经济与法律的关系体现在一个新的法律部门 – 经济法中了。