

视频1’05” MIKE: There was a dismissal on March 12th, 2005. But the file with the employee name on it is missing. That’s our woman. I know it is.


JESSICA: Need I remind you that when we first met, you were a screw-up? I gave you a shot at the mail room, led you up the ranks, and then paid for you to go to Harvard, where, by the way, you jerked off the entire time you were there. And I still hired you. 你忘了我们第一次见面时你是什么样吗,你当时一无是处,我让你在收发室干活,帮你一步步晋升,接着又供你去哈佛读书,结果你在学校只是混日子,但我还是雇了你。


  • we have a week to corroborate Nancy’s story. 证实
  • dismissal 解雇;免职
  • move to 申请
  • slap sanctions on 对…进行制裁
  • discovery 证据开示(这个词的本意重在一方当事人利用法律规定的程序性权利,积极地、能动地想方设法去收集证据、发掘证据、调查证据。)
  • on the stand 证人席
  • deposition 正式法律文件中,Deposition翻译为庭外作证或者庭外质询,是美国民事诉讼中一种在正式开庭前进行证据开示的方式。质询以口头方式进行,由一方律师提问、证人回答,一问一答交替进行。所以亦称为“口头取证”。
  • led you up the ranks 帮你步步晋升
  • jerk off the entire time 把时间都浪费了
  • They’re trying to bury you in paperwork. 他们要让你淹没在文件的海洋里。
  • Threat of sanctions is better than filing for sanctions. 威胁要制裁永远比申请制裁有效
  • You pawned off the case. 你让别人接手了这案子
  • You made your bed, you better goddamn win. 既然接手了 你就必须赢下来





    7 thoughts on “Mike找到新证人”

    1. Hey!
      So the files are on their way.
      We won?
      That’s fantastic.
      So we have a week to corroborate Nancy’s story. Listen, I couldn’t have done it without you.
      You wouldn’t even know where to look without me.
      – You know what nobody likes? – Hmm? Nobody likes a show-off.
      (PHONE RINGING) (LAUGHS) Hello? Yeah, he’s here. Okay, thank you. The files are in conference room C.
      Why wouldn’t they bring them to my cubicle?
      They’re trying to bury you in paperwork.
      Well, they picked the wrong guy.
      If they didn’t, I did. Get it done by the end of the week. I’ve got to run and charm a new client.
      I know where they don’t want us to look.
      Did you get through all those files in one night?
      I would have done it faster, but I ordered a pizza. Speaking of which, have you ever had the cheese in the crust? Because it blew my mind.
      What did you find?
      There was a dismissal on March 12th, 2005. But the file with the employee name on it is missing. That’s our woman. I know it is. I’m moving to slap sanctions on their attorney, possible jail time. The guy is not going to know what hit him.
      Dennis, it’s Harvey Specter. Did you have anything to do with the March 12th, 2005, files left out of discovery? (SNIFFS) If they’re here by noon, I’ll believe you. If not, we’re filing for sanctions. Threat of sanctions is better than filing for sanctions.
      That’s what I meant. Threaten, not file. Who would mean that?
      Have you ever heard of this woman? Joanna Webster?
      No. Why? The company has tried to hide her from us. She met with personnel over work-related issues in 2005. And then, they fired her two months later.
      You think Hunt did the same thing to her that he did to me?
      Yes, I do.
      Then you have to make her come forward and say so.
      Yeah. That’s the plan.
      Um… Uh, actually, before you go, can I get you to sign this engagement letter? Evidently, it’s something you’re supposed to do at the beginning. (BOTH CHUCKLE)
      Perfect. – Thank you.
      – Thank you.
      Joanna Webster?
      Can I help you?
      Hi, uh, my name is Mike Ross. I’m a lawyer. I have some questions for you about your time at Devlin McGreggor. Uh, please! Look… Just let me tell you a story about my client, okay?
      I’ve got to get these in the fridge
      It will just take a second.
      Look, all I need you to do is to tell your story. If you corroborate with…
      Mr. Ross, what happened to me happened six years ago. It was horrible and there was a reason I didn’t do anything about it. They’ll put me on that stand and attack me, and I don’t want that.
      Ms. Webster. Joanna. (CHUCKLES) This man is a predator. And if you don’t help stop him, he will do it again. All you have to do is give a deposition…
      I’m sorry. I can’t do it. (EXHALES)
      What happened with the witness?
      I failed. To not be awesome. I got her to testify. You should have seen me. I tried everything. He’d do it again. I’d be with her every step of the way. Nothing worked. And then, it hit me. I asked her, what if it was her daughter that he did this to? She melted. Oh, and you know how I came up with that little gem? I cared about her. (INHALES SHARPLY) Oh! (MIMICKING GUNSHOT) (BLOWS) Yeah. Thank you.
      I’m glad to see that staying up all night doesn’t make you act like a complete idiot. (SCATTING MOCKINGLY) Now, go home and get some sleep. I don’t want you waving that thing around during tomorrow’s deposition.
      Harvey. How’s the pro bono going?
      Great! I just talked a witness into testifying. Really?
      What’s the witness’ name?
      I’m not an idiot. Don’t treat me like one. You pawned off the case.
      Jessica, I’ve got higher profile cases.
      Need I remind you that when we first met, you were a screw-up? I gave you a shot at the mail room, led you up the ranks, and then paid for you to go to Harvard, where, by the way, you jerked off the entire time you were there. And I still hired you.
      And you’ve benefited from that ever since. Look, I closed the Dockery case, okay?
      You made a promise to me. You broke it, and then you lied to my face. So let me be clear. This isn’t professional. This is personal. And I’ll tell you something else, you made your bed, you better goddamn win.

    2. Hey!
      So the files are on their way.
      We won?
      That’s fantastic.
      So we have a week to corroborate Nancy’s story. Listen, I couldn’t have done it without you.
      You wouldn’t even know where to look without me.
      – You know what nobody likes? – Hmm? Nobody likes a show-off.
      (PHONE RINGING) (LAUGHS) Hello? Yeah, he’s here. Okay, thank you. The files are in conference room C.
      Why wouldn’t they bring them to my cubicle?
      They’re trying to bury you in paperwork.
      Well, they picked the wrong guy.
      If they didn’t, I did. Get it done by the end of the week. I’ve got to run and charm a new client.
      I know where they don’t want us to look.
      Did you get through all those files in one night?
      I would have done it faster, but I ordered a pizza. Speaking of which, have you ever had the cheese in the crust? Because it blew my mind.
      What did you find?
      There was a dismissal on March 12th, 2005. But the file with the employee name on it is missing. That’s our woman. I know it is. I’m moving to slap sanctions on their attorney, possible jail time. The guy is not going to know what hit him.
      Dennis, it’s Harvey Specter. Did you have anything to do with the March 12th, 2005, files left out of discovery? (SNIFFS) If they’re here by noon, I’ll believe you. If not, we’re filing for sanctions. Threat of sanctions is better than filing for sanctions.
      That’s what I meant. Threaten, not file. Who would mean that?
      Have you ever heard of this woman? Joanna Webster?
      No. Why? The company has tried to hide her from us. She met with personnel over work-related issues in 2005. And then, they fired her two months later.
      You think Hunt did the same thing to her that he did to me?
      Yes, I do.
      Then you have to make her come forward and say so.
      Yeah. That’s the plan.
      Um… Uh, actually, before you go, can I get you to sign this engagement letter? Evidently, it’s something you’re supposed to do at the beginning. (BOTH CHUCKLE)
      Perfect. – Thank you.
      – Thank you.
      Joanna Webster?
      Can I help you?
      Hi, uh, my name is Mike Ross. I’m a lawyer. I have some questions for you about your time at Devlin McGreggor. Uh, please! Look… Just let me tell you a story about my client, okay?
      I’ve got to get these in the fridge
      It will just take a second.
      Look, all I need you to do is to tell your story. If you corroborate with…
      Mr. Ross, what happened to me happened six years ago. It was horrible and there was a reason I didn’t do anything about it. They’ll put me on that stand and attack me, and I don’t want that.
      Ms. Webster. Joanna. (CHUCKLES) This man is a predator. And if you don’t help stop him, he will do it again. All you have to do is give a deposition…
      I’m sorry. I can’t do it. (EXHALES)
      What happened with the witness?
      I failed. To not be awesome. I got her to testify. You should have seen me. I tried everything. He’d do it again. I’d be with her every step of the way. Nothing worked. And then, it hit me. I asked her, what if it was her daughter that he did this to? She melted. Oh, and you know how I came up with that little gem? I cared about her. (INHALES SHARPLY) Oh! (MIMICKING GUNSHOT) (BLOWS) Yeah. Thank you.
      I’m glad to see that staying up all night doesn’t make you act like a complete idiot. (SCATTING MOCKINGLY) Now, go home and get some sleep. I don’t want you waving that thing around during tomorrow’s deposition.
      Harvey. How’s the pro bono going?
      Great! I just talked a witness into testifying. Really?
      What’s the witness’ name?
      I’m not an idiot. Don’t treat me like one. You pawned off the case.
      Jessica, I’ve got higher profile cases.
      Need I remind you that when we first met, you were a screw-up? I gave you a shot at the mail room, led you up the ranks, and then paid for you to go to Harvard, where, by the way, you jerked off the entire time you were there. And I still hired you.
      And you’ve benefited from that ever since. Look, I closed the Dockery case, okay?
      You made a promise to me. You broke it, and then you lied to my face. So let me be clear. This isn’t professional. This is personal. And I’ll tell you something else, you made your bed, you better goddamn win.

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