

HARVEY: He doesn’t get that doing good work isn’t the whole job. Part of getting it is that things like the dinner actually matter, even when you don’t think they do. Look, you were giving me shit this morning because I come and go when I want to. You know why I can do that? Because when I got here, I dominated. They thought I worked 100 hours a day. Now, no matter what time I get in, nobody questions my ability to get the job done. Get it through your head. First impressions last. You start behind the eight ball, you’ll never get in front.


  • Venue 在日常口语中可以指聚会地点,而法律语境中一般指审判地、犯罪地点。而这里是指举行Rookie dinner的聚会地点。
  • Oh, drats. (表示厌烦) 见鬼,讨厌,该死,倒霉;
  • long-standing 长期存在的;存在已久的;
  • Don’t look so blue! 不要这样愁眉苦脸/垂头丧气
  • make partner 成为合伙人
  • behind the eight ball 处于不利的境地。这里的the eight ball是指美式桌球中的8号黑球,打过桌球的都知道,这个球要放到最后打,但是,当桌面上还有其他球时,如果母球滚到了8号球后面,那就相当做了一个“斯洛克”,情况就非常不利了。
  • foodie 吃货
  • cuisine 烹饪





    2 thoughts on “律所新人请客”

    1. Peanuts, gluten, strawberries. What is this? A shopping list?
      No, it’s just a list of foods that I’m allergic to, so when you select the venue, these foods are not to be on the menu.
      A venue for what?
      No one told you?
      – No one told me.
      – Oh, drats. Well, a long-standing Pearson Hardman tradition is the rookie dinner, which means you, the…
      – Rookie.
      Yes. – That’s right. Are to host a dinner for your fellow associates.
      Well, come on. Don’t look so blue. Oh, it’s okay. It’s really easy. All you have to do is just find a unique location and then coordinate with 50 other associates. It’s really simple. No pressure.
      And you’re allergic to chicken?
      No, I just don’t like it.
      You know you can’t host your dinner there. That’s a Wachtell, Lipton, Klein restaurant.
      Okay. Fine. What about this place?
      Yeah, that’d be great if it was 2004.
      Oh, my God. Why does any of this matter? God.
      You see that guy over there by the fax? Take a good look. He’s never gonna make partner.
      Okay. Let me guess. Because he threw a lousy rookie dinner?
      No, because he doesn’t get it.
      Get what?
      He doesn’t get that doing good work isn’t the whole job. Part of getting it is that things like the dinner actually matter, even when you don’t think they do. Look, you were giving me shit this morning because I come and go when I want to. You know why I can do that? Because when I got here, I dominated. They thought I worked 100 hours a day. Now, no matter what time I get in, nobody questions my ability to get the job done. Get it through your head. First impressions last. You start behind the eight ball, you’ll never get in front.
      – Hey, you busy?
      – It’s 7:00. I’m not here ’cause I like the view. And don’t misunderstand me. When I say “the view,” I’m referring to your face.
      That’s funny, because I’m hideous.
      – What’s up?
      – You’re a foodie, right?
      Why do you say that?
      Because you’re the only person I’ve ever seen order a shrimp, red pepper, and goat cheese pizza.
      Well, right, but without the pepper, what connects the goat cheese and the shrimp? I’m a foodie.
      Okay, so I need your help finding a restaurant for the rookie dinner.
      Well, that’s unfortunate, but I’m swamped, and I don’t have time to teach you about cuisine.
      Well, no, don’t make me remind you that you owe me one.
      How’s that?
      You told Louis I was working on Harvey’s case before his.
      Because you told me to.
      Well, now I’m telling you to help me with my dinner.
      – You… Okay. – Good luck with that.
      Not gonna help me with my dinner. Now I’m talking to myself.

    2. Peanuts, gluten, strawberries. What is this? A shopping list?
      No, it’s just a list of foods that I’m allergic to, so when you select the venue, these foods are not to be on the menu.
      A venue for what?
      No one told you?
      – No one told me.
      – Oh, drats. Well, a long-standing Pearson Hardman tradition is the rookie dinner, which means you, the…
      – Rookie.
      Yes. – That’s right. Are to host a dinner for your fellow associates.
      Well, come on. Don’t look so blue. Oh, it’s okay. It’s really easy. All you have to do is just find a unique location and then coordinate with 50 other associates. It’s really simple. No pressure.
      And you’re allergic to chicken?
      No, I just don’t like it.
      You know you can’t host your dinner there. That’s a Wachtell, Lipton, Klein restaurant.
      Okay. Fine. What about this place?
      Yeah, that’d be great if it was 2004.
      Oh, my God. Why does any of this matter? God.
      You see that guy over there by the fax? Take a good look. He’s never gonna make partner.
      Okay. Let me guess. Because he threw a lousy rookie dinner?
      No, because he doesn’t get it.
      Get what?
      He doesn’t get that doing good work isn’t the whole job. Part of getting it is that things like the dinner actually matter, even when you don’t think they do. Look, you were giving me shit this morning because I come and go when I want to. You know why I can do that? Because when I got here, I dominated. They thought I worked 100 hours a day. Now, no matter what time I get in, nobody questions my ability to get the job done. Get it through your head. First impressions last. You start behind the eight ball, you’ll never get in front.
      – Hey, you busy?
      – It’s 7:00. I’m not here ’cause I like the view. And don’t misunderstand me. When I say “the view,” I’m referring to your face.
      That’s funny, because I’m hideous.
      – What’s up?
      – You’re a foodie, right?
      Why do you say that?
      Because you’re the only person I’ve ever seen order a shrimp, red pepper, and goat cheese pizza.
      Well, right, but without the pepper, what connects the goat cheese and the shrimp? I’m a foodie.
      Okay, so I need your help finding a restaurant for the rookie dinner.
      Well, that’s unfortunate, but I’m swamped, and I don’t have time to teach you about cuisine.
      Well, no, don’t make me remind you that you owe me one.
      How’s that?
      You told Louis I was working on Harvey’s case before his.
      Because you told me to.
      Well, now I’m telling you to help me with my dinner.
      – You… Okay. – Good luck with that.
      Not gonna help me with my dinner. Now I’m talking to myself.

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