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As the Translation Director at LegalLingo, Frank is responsible for coordinating and managing the translation team, including project scheduling and communication with clients. He has a track record of successfully completing numerous complex and highly technical legal translation projects and has provided Chinese legal translation services to many leading international law firms and legal teams throughout his career.

语言与国际商事活动 Language in International Business Transactions

Words which have a clear and culturally acceptable meaning in English or American (United States) may be unclear or culturally offensive in another tongue: the converse may be true as well. 在英语(或美语)中,含义清楚且在文化习惯上也能为人们所接受的词语,在另一种语言中,也许是含义不清且在文化上令人反感的,反之亦然。

谈判一项协议 Negotiating an agreement

In complex negotiations or in negotiations involving a large purchase, consider using a team of experts in the subject matter of the proposed contract. 进行复杂谈判或涉及大宗购买的谈判中,应考虑起用对拟议中契约的内容有特长的专家小组。

保险法案例 Cases on Insurance

They may also specifically list certain kinds of behavior that will cause termination. 上述保险单也可具体列出足以终止保险人责任的一定种类的行为。

财经法律翻译术语 英文释义 约1500条

道琼斯工业平均指数 DJIA:The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a price-weighted average of 30 significant stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq; The DJIA was invented by Charles Dow back in 1896;