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As the Translation Director at LegalLingo, Frank is responsible for coordinating and managing the translation team, including project scheduling and communication with clients. He has a track record of successfully completing numerous complex and highly technical legal translation projects and has provided Chinese legal translation services to many leading international law firms and legal teams throughout his career.


Mike在跟Harvey做律师之前,原来是个“枪手”。 本段和法律英语基本无关,只有几个关于美国学校和考试的零星词汇。 词汇句型:


为什么Harvey从口袋拿出一么纸就可以让Genald安静走开?其实很多人根本没看懂这个细节。 并购交易双方签署交易文件就意味着各项条件已经谈判结束,等待交割。但这个Genald仗着自己大客户的身份,所有条件谈好之后,非要让Cooper尊严扫地,名誉职务也不留给Cooper,所以Cooper拒绝交割。Genald很恼火找Harvey解决此事,Harvey觉得Genald缺乏诚信,拒绝此项无理要求,并从口袋拿出一张纸说律所已经收到了全部律师费(暗示:钱我已经收到了,没有义务在陪你玩了) ,Genald只能扫兴而去,而实际上这张纸压根不是什么付款凭证… 词汇句型:

劳动法 Labor Law

Labor law, in its broadest sense, is the law that affects working persons by virtue of their employment relationship, a relationship that in the United States is ordinarily with a private employer. 劳动法就其最广泛的意义来说是这样一种法律:它是通过雇佣关系 – 这在美国通常是一种同私人雇主之间的关系 – 而影响劳动者的。

CIF合同 CIF Contracts

A CIF contract is an agreement to sell goods at an inclusive price, comprising the cost of the goods, the marine insurance premium for the value of the goods and the freight or the cost of transportation. CIF合同是一种以包括货物成本、货物价值的海运险保险费和水脚即运费三者在内的一揽子价格为条件而达成的商品买卖协议。