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As the Translation Director at LegalLingo, Frank is responsible for coordinating and managing the translation team, including project scheduling and communication with clients. He has a track record of successfully completing numerous complex and highly technical legal translation projects and has provided Chinese legal translation services to many leading international law firms and legal teams throughout his career.


Jessica为什么把升职机会还给了Harvey? 先是,Mike威胁Harvey:如果把我炒了,你在我上法学院事情上面撒的谎,我会告诉所有人,你的律师执照肯定保不住。 然后,Harvey学以致用转身用同样的伎俩威胁Jessica:如果你不把升职机会还给我,我会带走所有客户加入其他律所。并且,我在向Genald撒谎的那一刻,你就有义务上报道德委员会,但是你没有,所以如果你现在上报,我也把你一起报上去。 句型词汇: Bar 律师协会 have your license stripped 吊销你的律师执照 shenanigans 小把戏 ethics board 道德委员会 律师常用: One client doesn’t make a firm. 少一个客户律所跨不了 I’m… Read More »Harvey夺回晋升机会


Orientation不一定就是方向。新人入职,介绍工作环境也是orientation。Mike刚来报道,律助Rachel就给了他一个快速的orientation。 另外,有个词组a chain of command model值得留意,是指从最高层到最底层的权力(authority)链,也就是上下级关系。短片中Rachel说:The firm operates on a chain of command model. 表明这家律所的运作模式是“领导说了算”模式。 注:国内律所的运作模式主要有传统的合伙人式、个人律师事务所式、公司化运营模式和逐渐出现的互联网化运营模式。 句型词汇: I’ll be giving you your orientation. 我带你熟悉一下环境 The… Read More »Orientation


We need people who think on their feet, not another clone with a rod up his ass. 我们需要能独立思考的人,而不是只会听指挥的木头人 – Harvey Spector Harvey阅人无数,偏偏遇上怀才不遇的“神枪手”Mike。虽然Harvey的律所只招哈佛法学院的毕业生,但在见识到了Mike的天赋和过目不忘的能力后,Harvey当机立断决定录用没上过任何法学院的Mike。 本节视频中有几个细节你抓住了吗?


Jessica要Harvey招一名助手,Harvey嫌麻烦不愿意,希望可以直接招summer associate,省时省力,并表示自己更喜欢单干,后来为什么Harvey突然同意了呢? JESSICA: Well, I would, Harvey, except all senior partners get an associate. It’s just a rule. 对话中,Harvey也暗示了自己所期待的人才的特征,这也为后面录用Mike埋下了伏笔 We need people who think on… Read More »Harvey要升高级合伙人