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As the Translation Director at LegalLingo, Frank is responsible for coordinating and managing the translation team, including project scheduling and communication with clients. He has a track record of successfully completing numerous complex and highly technical legal translation projects and has provided Chinese legal translation services to many leading international law firms and legal teams throughout his career.

合同翻译经典句型荟萃 管辖法律和争议解决部分

倘若在该通知发出后三十(30)天内,争议未能通过协商解决,双方应将争议提交至中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会(“仲裁机构”)依据其规则和规定进行仲裁。If the dispute cannot be settled through consultation within thirty (30) days after such notice is given, the Parties shall submit the dispute to China International Trade Arbitration Committee, Shanghai Branch (“Arbitration Institute”) to be arbitrated according to its rules and regulations.

合同翻译经典句型荟萃 责任、赔偿、免责部分

Party B irrevocably waives all rights  that it may have in law or contract against Party A, its affiliates, subsidiaries and related companies howsoever arising in respect of or in connection with the Claim.

合同翻译经典句型荟萃 陈述、保证和承诺部分

各方承诺,在本谅解备忘录有效期内,各方不得直接或间接与任何他方就建立旨在提供服务或提供与服务相类似的、或有可能与本谅解备忘录所述之安排形成竞争的服务的任何合资企业或其他形式的合作进行谈判或讨论。The Parties undertake that as long as this Memorandum of Understanding remains effective, the Parties shall not, whether directly or indirectly, conduct negotiations or have discussions with any other parties concerning the establishment of any ventures or other forms of cooperation devoted to the provision of the Services or services similar to or likely to compete with the arrangement described in this Memorandum of Understanding.

合同翻译经典句型荟萃 责任和义务部分

In addition to its other obligations under this Contract, Party A shall, from time to time throughout the period of the Joint Venture term, be responsible, at no cost to the JVC (excepted as provided in Section X or as may otherwise be agreed by the JVC in writing), for the following:

合同翻译经典句型荟萃 董事会部分

董事长应在董事会开会前14天向每一位董事发出书面会议通知,说明会议的议程、时间和地点。 The chairman of the board shall give each director a written notice fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the board meeting, stating the agenda, time and place of the meeting.