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为了阻止McKernon Motors的海外设厂计划,Harvey利用Mike在公司章程中找到的漏洞先说服现CEO Robert把尽调拖延一阵… HARVEY: Robert, I’m sorry. This is what was holding up your due diligence. Technically, you’re still interim CEO until the board votes… Read More »拖延战术


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律所里新人请客是个传统,但很多时候并不光是庆祝,看看Harvey是怎么说的? HARVEY: He doesn’t get that doing good work isn’t the whole job. Part of getting it is that things like the dinner actually matter,… Read More »律所新人请客


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为什么三位合伙人同时盯上了McKernon Motors的工厂出售交易?答案当然是这个客户够肥啦!当然大家的目的各自不同,Harvey是希望阻止这个交易,而其他合伙人是希望从这个交易中赚钱。OK,具体看看每个合伙人具体关注的是什么? 首先,Louis发现Mike在查看这家公司的章程时,顿起疑心,Mike在为客户准备尽调时为什么需要看客户的章程呢?看看Mike是如何机智地晃过去的? LOUIS: And why would that require you to look at the bylaws? MIKE: State law requires a summary be prepared in the… Read More »三合伙人盯同一客户


视频中,Donna关于高级合伙人和其他合伙人之间有何区别的描述你听懂了吗? DONNA: Okay. Senior partners, they buy into the firm. They share in the profits, but they also have to put up equity. 高级合伙人属于核心层管理层,所以一般要出资,有出资即形成股权equity,亦即Equity Partner,可以分享利润。剧中,Harvey为了做Senior… Read More »高级合伙人入伙会议


在车展上,新CEO Robert向Harvey透露了他只打算保留品牌而卖掉工厂的计划,Harvey为何觉得他毁掉了摇钱树? 原来Robert觉得公司的核心资产是品牌名称,而Harvey则觉得是引擎的品质。 HARVEY: The asset’s not the name. It’s the quality. He moves overseas, it’s gonna kill the goose that laid the goddamn golden… Read More »毁掉摇钱树