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句型词汇: venture capitalists 风险投资人 prototype 样板 storm troopers 冲锋队员 Fast Times at Ridgemont High 《开放的美国学府》是八十年代初的一部校园爱情喜剧片 knock them dead 让他们印象深刻;给他们好看 file a patent for sth. 为…申请专利… Read More »Mike佯输诈败


本段词汇: smoking gun 确凿的证据 testimony 证词;证言 affidavit 此处指书面证词 small-time 无关轻重的,big time的反义词 witness tampering 收买证人 unwanted sexual advances 不当的性挑逗 Attorney 检察官 admission of guilt 认罪 reinstated… Read More »Hunt低头认输


Mike一早就被Louis喊去药检,这一段看似平淡无奇,但是却为后续片段埋下了伏笔: 1. Louis第一次关注(但还算不上怀疑)Mike哈佛法学院毕业生的身份; LOUIS: Oh, by the way, my cousin was your year at Harvard. And I asked him if he knew you. It’s so… Read More »律所药检