Please note however that this glossary is for guidance only and is not intended as an exhaustive or comprehensive source of definitions.
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Please note however that this glossary is for guidance only and is not intended as an exhaustive or comprehensive source of definitions.
民事答辩状,这个标题一般可翻译为Answer to Civil Complaint. 但在实践中也经常采用其他的表达,比如:”Answer to Complaint”, “Reply Brief for Defendant(s)”, “Answer on Merits” etc. 译者可根据具体情况及个人喜好进行选择。
If the dispute cannot be resolved by negotiations within thirty (30) days after one Party has issued notice to the other Party requesting the commencement of such negotiations, then either Party may submit it to the Singapore International Arbitration Center (the “Arbitration Institute”) for arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL rules of arbitration then in effect and the following provisions: 如果在一方向另一方发出要求就争议开始进行谈判的书面通知后三十(30)日内,争议未能得到解决,则任何一方均可将争议提交新加坡国际仲裁中心(“仲裁机构”),由仲裁机构根据其时有效的联合国际贸易法委员会的仲裁规则和下列规定进行仲裁:
国际货物销售合同翻译样板 International Sale Contract of Manufactured Goods