Insurance 保险 |
Real property 不动产 |
Process 传票 |
Judge 法官 |
Law 法律 |
Court 法庭 |
Citizens’ right 公民权利 |
Company law 公司法 |
International law 国际法 |
Negligence 过失行为 |
Partnership 合伙 |
Contract and agreement 合同和协议 |
Environment protection 环境保护 |
Marriage and family life 婚姻和家庭 |
Prosecutor 检察官 |
Traffic 交通 |
Encumbrance 财产负担 |
Police 警察 |
Jurisprudence 法理 |
Lawyer 律师 |
Offense 犯罪 |
Instrument 票据 |
Jurisdiction 管辖权 |
Appeal 上诉 |
Customs and tariff 海关和关税 |
Death penalty 死刑 |
Settlement 和解 |
Costs 诉讼费 |
Shipping and maritime law 货运和海商法 |
Juvenile delinquency 未成年人违法 |
Loan and lease 借贷和租赁 |
Punishment 刑罚 |
Legislation 立法 |
Remedy 救济 |
Jury 陪审团 |
Contempt of court 藐视法庭 |
Tort 侵权 |
Bankruptcy 破产 |
Trial 审判 |
Tax 税收 |
Pleading 诉辩状 |
Litigation 诉讼 |
ownership 所有权 |
Agency 委托代理 |
Consumer’s right 消费者权益 |
Trust 信托 |
Criminal law principles 刑法原则 |
Criminal investigation 刑事侦察 |
Medical care 医疗保健 |
Duty 责任 |
Transaction 业务交易 |
Bidding 招投标 |
Plaintiff and Defendant 原告和被告 |
Intellectual property 知识产权 |
Debt 债务 |
Will and Succession 遗嘱和继承 |
Securities 证券 |
Gift 赠与 |
Arbitration 仲裁 |
Evidence 证据 |